Zemata, a global media site, has no historical data from which she can inform her SLOs. But after conducting surveys and interviews with potential users, the user journeys were identified as follows;

  1. Zemata users will first interact with Zemata by going to the homepage.
  2. Then, they will select the stories/videos/images they find interesting.
  3. If nothing catches their fancy, they will proceed to search for somethings else.
  4. When all else fails, they will settle for a recommended story.
  5. Editors need only upload their stories, preferably from their conveniences.


Zemata makes most of their monies from advertising, therefore, It is important to the business that users can rely on them to have the latest news and they can have access to the news in a timely manner.

Without the news, there will be no business. Editors having access to upload their material, from the comfort of wherever they choose is also a priority for Zemata.

Finally, the search service will undergo many iterations as new data and more user information becomes more available. Sufficient allowances will need to be made for developers.

SLOs are useful for producing a consistent quality of service by helping define internal goals for the organization. Google services such as Appengine, Google Kubernetes Engine etc. identifies and collects metrics —which are data points that measure the performance of your service— and use them to define Service Level Indicators.

SLIs describe the performance of an aspect of the service e.g. Availability SLI is the ratio of the number of successful responses to the number of all responses.

An SLO is the target value of an SLI, measure over a period of time.

Zemata has three services and the following are their proposed SLO Documentation.